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Rules & Regulation
- The Library follows an open access system.
- Books or other materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers but should be left on the tables reserved for this purpose. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
- While entering the library, readers should leave their personal belongings, such as bags, brief-cases and parcels near the counter reserved for this purpose. However, they can carry loose papers and note books.
- Readers leaving the library should allow the library/security staff to examine their personal belongings.
- Readers should maintain peace in the library and should not disturb other users in any way.
- Borrowing Entitlement : Books can be borrowed against library card issued by the library to the borrowers.
- The library card is non-transferable and their loss should be immediately reported to the library. Although the library will take all possible care against the misuse of the library card, it is the holder of the library card who is responsible for any loss to the library due to the misuse of his/her library card. A fee of Rs.500/- will be charged for issuing a duplicate library card.
- The library can recall book after two weeks of issue. books to be replaced on reserve can be recalled any time.
- If a book is not returned to the library when due, the borrower will be fined Re.1/- per day per volume for first 14 days and Rs.5/- per day per volume for rest of the days For books available for overnight borrowing only, the overdue fine will be Rs.5/- per hour will be charged. The library can refuse to issue books to a borrower having overdue books.
- A borrower going on vecation with or without salary, deputation, study leave, or extra-ordinary leave will have to return all borrowed books before leaving Raipur.
- Loss of borrowed material must be immediately reported in writing. The replacement charge (double the current price) for lost material, will also include overdue charges if applicable.
- A user can take help of library staff for search of Books. The users are entitled to use reading room for self study from the books/journals/magazines available in the library.
- All users are requested to keep their mobiles switched off or in silent mode in the library. Use of speaker phone/head phone is not allowed in the library.
- Spitting, Smoking, Drinking, Eating or Chewing of tobacco, Sleeping, loitering, gossiping inside the library is strictly forbidden. Action will be taken for breaking of rules.
- Disfiguration, damage or marking of any kind on any book or any other material belonging to the library is punishable with fine.
- Conversation and discussion inside library is not allowed. It disturbs library ambience. Similarly, an unruly behavior is not allowed in the library. This is of utmost importance to allow each member to have a calm environment within the library.
- Suggestions for desirable help or improvement of facilities in the library can be submitted, preferably in written form, to the Librarian. No visitor or guest is permitted to use the library without the prior permission of the Librarian. He/She is required to produce a proper introduction letter from the concerned Institution/Organization to which he/she is attached.
- Readers should be courteous to the librarian, library staff and fellow students.
- Library books are not transferable.
- All the users may please get the books checked while making an exit from the library.
- If in any case the authority feels a student/user is disturbing other users, he/she may be not allowed to enter into the library.
- Admission to the library may be refused to anyone who violates the Library Rules and Regulations.