Faculty Details
Parikshit Charan
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi), M.E. (Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan)
Operations & Qty Tech
Contact Information
He has vast experience in research and academics. He has published papers in refereed journals, and has participated and presented his research work in many international and national conferences. Before joining IIM Raipur, he worked with IIM Rohtak and other business schools. His research interest includes Operations Strategy, Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management field. He has taught many courses at post-graduation level as well as at doctorate level. He has guided four doctoral candidates and fifteen master’s dissertations. He has been Ph.D. thesis examiner at IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, IIM Indore, IIM Kashipur, etc.
He has been awarded ‘Best Paper Award’ at 16th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2012 and ‘Best Professor in Operations Management’ at 20th Dewang Mehta Business School Award function in 2012. In 2017, he was conferred with Bharat Vikas Award for excellence in Supply Chain Management and Operations Strategy. He has published papers in journals like International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM), Business Strategy and the environment, Journal of Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, International Journal of Logistics Management, Journal of Management and Organization, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, Management Decision, Business Process Management Journal, Decision etc. He has been reviewer to Journals like International Journal of Production and Operations Management (IJOPM), Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Journal of Knowledge Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Logistics Management, Ecological Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Global Journal of Flexible System Management, etc.
ii. Supply Chain Performance Measurement System
iii. Operations Strategy
iv. Sustainable Supply Chain Management
v. Sustainable Operations
ii. Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Raipur (IIM Raipur), July 2013 - June 2019.
iii. Visiting Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak (IIM Rohtak), April 2011-May 2013.
iv. Assistant Professor, Jaypee Business School, JIIT University, Noida (U.P.), July 2010-March 2011.
v. Assistant Professor, Aravali Institue of Management, Jodhpur, September 2009-April 2010.
vi. Lecturer, Government Engineering College, Ajmer, August 2002-December 2003.
ii. Awarded ‘Best Professor in Operations Management’ at 20th Dewang Mehta Business School Award function held in Mumbai on November 24, 2012. The Dewang Mehta Business School Award recognizes talent and leadership amongst Business schools across India. The Awards are supported by Ms. Shaila Mehta-Director, Onward Foundation for Dewang Mehta Awards. The Patron is Mr Harish Mehta, Chairman & Managing Director Onward Technologies Ltd. The Chairman of the Jury was Dr Prasad Medury, Partner, Amrop International.
iii. Best Paper Award at 16th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2012 organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow and Grand Valley State University, USA held at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, 21st -23rd December.
iv. Full-time institute assistantship from IIT Delhi during Ph.D.
Journal Publications
>> Roy, V., Prakash, C., and Charan, P.(2023). Under ‘my way or the highway’! The weaker partner’s synergy on collaborative performance in humanitarian relief when experiencing power tactics. [International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM)], (DOI: 10.1108/IJOPM-12-2021-0749),
>> Singh, R., Charan, P. and Chattopadhyay, M.(2023). Relational Capabilities and Performance: Examining the Moderation-Mediation Effect of Organization Structures and Dynamic Capability. [Knowledge Management Research and Practice], 21(1), 92 - 106
>> Chattopadhyay, M., Mitra, S.K., and Charan, P.(2022). Elucidating strategic patterns from target customers using multi-stage RFM analysis. [Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science], (DOI: 10.1080/21639159.2022.2080094),
>> Patil, A., Madaan, J, Shardeo, V., Charan, P., Dwivedi, A.(2022). Material Convergence Issue in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain during a Disease Outbreak. [The International Journal of Logistics Management], 33(2), 955 - 996
>> Patil, A., Madaan, J., Chan, F., and Charan, P.(2022). Advancement of performance measurement system in the Humanitarian Supply Chain. [Expert Systems with Applications], 206, 1 - 12
>> Prakash, C., Roy, V. and Charan, P.(2022). Mitigating inter-organizational conflicts in humanitarian logistics collaboration: The roles of contractual agreements, trust, and post-disaster environmental uncertainty phases. [The International Journal of Logistics Management], 33(1), 28 - 52
>> Singh, R., Charan, P. and Chattopadhyay, M.(2022). Evaluating the hotel industry performance using efficiency and effectiveness measures. [International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration], 23(2), 408 - 431
>> Singh, R., Charan, P. and Chattopadhyay, M.(2022). The Effect of Relational Capability on Dynamic Capability: Exploring the Role of Competitive Intensity and Environmental Uncertainty. [Journal of Management and Organization], 28(3), 659 - 680
>> Thakur, B.P.S, Kannadhasan, M., Charan, P. and Gupta, C.P.(2021). Corruption and Firm Value: Evidence from Emerging Market Economies. [Emerging Markets Finance and Trade], 57(4), 1182 - 1197
>> Prakash, C., Besiou, M., Charan, P. and Gupta, S.(2020). Organizational theory in the humanitarian supply chain: A review and suggested research agenda. [Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management], 10(2), 261 - 284
>> Roy, V., Schoenherr, T., and Charan, P.(2020). Toward an enhanced understanding of the transformation toward sustainable supply chain management: Applying force-field analysis and the concept of differential efforts. [Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management], 26(3), 1 - 15
>> Singh, R., Charan, P. and Chattopadhyay, M.(2019). Dynamic Capabilities and Responsiveness: Moderating Role of Organization Structure and Environmental Dynamism. [Decision], 46(4), 301 - 319
>> Kannadhasan, M., Charan, P., Singh, P. and Sivasankaran, N.(2018). Relationships among Social Capital, Self-efficacy and New Venture Creation. [Management Decision], 56(1), 204 - 218
>> Kannadhasan, M., Singh, P., Charan, P. and Balivada, P.K.(2018). Personality characteristics and the Start-up Process: The moderating role of Institutional Environment. [Decision], 45(4), 287 - 300
>> Kannadhasan, M., Thakur, B.P.S, Gupta, C.P., Charan, P.(2018). Testing Capital Structure Theories using Error Correction Models: Evidence from select Emerging Economies. [Cogent Economics and Finance], 6(1), 1 - 19
>> Mitra, S.K., Bhatia, V., Jana, R.K., Charan, P. and Chattopadhyay, M.(2018). Changing Value Detrended Cross Correlation Coefficient Over Time: Between Crude Oil and Crop Prices. [Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications], 506, 671 - 678
>> Roy, V., Charan, P., Schoenherr, T. and Sahay, B.S.(2018). Ensuring supplier participation towards addressing sustainability-oriented objectives of the mid-day meal supply chain: Insights from The Akshaya Patra Foundation. [The International Journal of Logistics Management], 29(1), 456 - 475
>> Roy, V., Schoenherr, T. and Charan, P.(2018). The thematic landscape of literature in sustainable supply chain management (SSCM): A review of the principal facets in SSCM development. [International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM)], 38(4), 1091 - 1124
>> Shubham, Charan, P. and Murty, L.S.(2018). Institutional pressure and the implementation of corporate environment practices: examining the mediating role of absorptive capacity. [Journal of Knowledge Management], 22(7), 1591 - 1613
>> Shubham, Charan, P. and Murty, L.S.(2018). Organizational Adoption of Sustainable Manufacturing Practices in India: Integrating Institutional Theory and Corporate Environment Responsibility. [International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology], 25(1), 23 - 34
>> Shubham, Charan, P. and Murty, L.S.(2018). Secondary stakeholder pressures and organizational adoption of sustainable operations practices: The mediating role of primary stakeholders. [Business Strategy and the Environment], 27(7), 910 - 923
>> Mitra, S.K., Chattopadhyay, M., Charan, P. and Bawa, J.(2017). Identifying Periods of Market Inefficiency for Return Predictability. [Applied Economics Letters], 24(10), 668 - 671
>> Jha, R.K., Sahay, B.S. and Charan, P.(2016). Healthcare Operations Management: A Structured Literature Review. [Decision], 43(3), 259 - 279
>> Charan, P.(2012). Supply chain performance issue in an automobile company: A SAP-LAP analysis. [Measuring Business Excellence], 16(1), 67 - 86
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K.(2009). Modeling the barriers of supply chain performance measurement system implementation in the Indian Automobile supply chain. [International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management], 5(6), 614 - 630
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K.(2008). Analysis of interactions among the variables of supply chain performance measurement system implementation. [Business Process Management Journal], 14(4), 512 - 529
Conference Papers
>> Chandra Prakash, Charan Parikshit, Gupta Sumeet(2019). Organization theory in the humanitarian supply chain: A systematic literature review. MSOM Annual Conference 2019
>> Singh, R. and Charan, P.(2019). Dynamic Capabilities and Responsiveness: Moderating Roles of Organization Structures and Environmental Dynamism. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) 2019
>> Singh, R. and Charan, P.(2019). How firm’s relational capabilities influence the development of dynamic capabilities: The case of emerging economies. 30th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society
>> Singh, R. and Charan, P.(2019). Organizational dynamic capabilities, structure, and responsiveness. 30th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society
>> Singh, R. and Charan, P.(2018). Dynamic Capabilities and Firm Operational Performance: A Resource Based View. 6th PAN IIM Conference
>> Charan, P., Panda, S., Madaan, J. and Chhattopadhyay, M.(2017). Analyzing the Operations Strategy of a Diagnostic & Medical Research Centre. 28th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society
>> Charan, P., Panda, S., Madaan, J. and Chhattopadhyay, M.(2017). Managing Risk in Product Recovery Process Under Disruption of Returns From Customer. 28th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society
>> Madaan, J. and Charan, P.(2017). Modelling Strategies to Manage Sourcing Disruptions in Healthcare Operations. 28th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society
>> Charan, P., Madaan, J. and Bajpai, A(2016). A Study of Primary Raw Materials Supply Chain (Bauxite & Alumina) in a mining company: A SAP-LAP analysis. 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
>> Charan, P., Madaan, J. and Mandrik, A(2016). A Study of the Primary Raw Material Supply Chain for Coal at a Mining company: SAP-LAP analysis. 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
>> Charan, P., Reddy, S. and Madaan, J.(2016). A Study of Operations issues in a Manufacturing firm using SAP-LAP Analysis. 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society
>> Charan, P., Reddy, S. and Madaan, J.(2016). A Study of Operations issues in a Manufacturing firm using SAP-LAP Analysis. 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
>> Chhattopadhyay, M. and Charan, P.(2016). Self-Organization Map Visualization for a Clustering Operation Sequence based Cell Formation Problem. 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
>> Madaan, J. and Charan, P(2016). Decision and Information Models for Streamlining Recovery Processes. 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
>> Singh, S., Charan, P., Sahay, B.S., and Murty, L.S.(2016). Sustainable Operations Strategy and Organizational Learningâ€. 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
>> Singh, S., Sahay, B.S., Charan, P. and Murty, L.S(2016). Sustainable Manufacturing Strategy: An Evidence Based Study from Indian Metal Industry. 27th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
>> Charan, P., Panda, S.K. and Madaan. J(2015). Analysing the strategic service vision and its’ performance implications: A case of two eco-resorts. 26th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Washington D.C., U.S.A
>> Madaan. J., Choudhary, D. and Charan, P(2015). Multi-criteria product recovery decision model for time sensitive returns. 26th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Washington D.C., U.S.A.
>> Shubham, Sahay, B.S., Charan, P. and Murty, L.S.(2015). Sustainable Manufacturing Strategy: An Evidence Based Study From Indian Industries. 19th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2015 organized by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta held at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata
>> Charan, P. and Panda, S.K(2014). Service operations issues influencing the customers’ satisfaction: A study of Indian wild-life tourist resort. NITIE POMS International Conference 2014 “Manufacturing Excellence - Imperative for Emerging Economies†held at NITIE, Mumbai, India
>> Charan, P. and Panda, S.K.(2014). Analysing the Interactions of Operation Strategy Elements and its’ Strategic Reconciliation: A Case of Chilika Lagoon. NITIE POMS International Conference 2014 “Manufacturing Excellence - Imperative for Emerging Economies†held at NITIE, Mumbai, India
>> Charan, P., Madaan. J. and Mishra, R(2013). Flexible Procurement Outsourcing in an Automotive Air Conditioner Manufacturer in India: A SAP-LAP Analysis. GLOGIFT 13-Thirteenth Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and International Federation of Systems Research, held at Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India
>> Charan, P., Sahay, B.S. and Gupta, S(2013). Aligning Humanitarian Logistics Strategies with Supply and Demand Uncertainties. International Conference on Humanitarian Logistics organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur, held at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
>> Gupta, S., Sahay, B.S. and Charan, P(2013). Relief network model for efficient disaster management and disaster recovery. International Conference on Humanitarian Logistics organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur, held at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
>> Kundu, T., Lunkad, S., Gupta, S. and Charan, P.(2013). A Framework for Emergency Public Procurement during Natural Disasters. International Conference on Humanitarian Logistics organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur, held at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
>> Roy, V., Agarwal, S., Kumar, S. and Charan, P.(2013). Selection of Post Disaster Humanitarian Logistics Structure Using AHP Approach. International Conference on Humanitarian Logistics organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur, held at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
>> Achtani, D. and Charan, P.(2012). Assessing the foreign multi-brand retail chains entry in India-An AHP based Approach. 3rd Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference 2012
>> Achtani, D., Singh, M., Dasmohapatra, P., Mukherjee, S. and Charan, P.(2012). Supply Chain Management Issues in an online retail company: A SAP-LAP Analysis. 16th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2012 organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow and Grand Valley State University, USA
>> Charan, P., Madaan, J. and Khare, A.(2012). Selection of service supply chain value creating perspective using AHP approach. 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Chicago, U.S.A
>> Madaan, J. and Charan, P.(2012). Simulation based performance measurement in flexible and adaptable product recovery system. 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society held at Chicago, U.S.A
>> Renuga A., Gupta, H., Babu, G. Adithya, G. and Charan, P.(2012). Supply Chain Management Issues in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Retail in India- A SAP-LAP Analysis. 16th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management
>> Charan, P. and Shankar, R.(2011). Selection of Supply Chain Design System using AHP Approach. International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management (ASCMM 2011) organized by Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, IIT Kharagpur, India held at Kharagpur
>> Charan, P., Baisya, R.K. and Shankar, R.(2008). Modeling the metrics of lean, agile and leagile supply chain in project management: An AHP based approach. 22nd IPMA World Congress held at Rome, Italy
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K.(2008). Selection of Supply Chain Performance Measurement System using Fuzzy Approach. GLOGIFT 08 organized by Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ (USA), The University of Alabama in Huntsville (USA) and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India held at Hoboken
>> Charan, P., Baisya, R.K. and Shankar, R(2007). Selection of Supply Chain Performance Measurement System in Project Management Using AHP Approach. 21th IPMA World Congress held at Cracow, Poland
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K(2007). Analysis of the Interaction Among the Enablers of Supply Chain Performance Measurement System Implementation. â€, 8th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India in association with Monash University, Australia, held at New Delhi, India
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K(2007). Selection of Supply Chain Performance Measurement System Using AHP Approach. 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K.(2007). Analysis of Interaction Among the Barriers Faced by SMEs in India. 8th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India in association with Monash University, Australia, held at New Delhi, India
>> Baisya, R.K., Charan, P. and Shankar, R.(2006). Modeling the Barriers of Project Implementation in Indian Construction Projects. 20th IPMA World Congress held at Shanghai, China
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K.(2005). Analysis of Interaction Among the Barriers of Performance Management System in Supply Chain. 11th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research (ICPQR) organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India in association with International Society for Productivity and Quality Research, USA, held at New Delhi, India
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K.(2005). Performance Management of Supply Chain using Balanced Scorecard (BSC). 11th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research (ICPQR) organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India in association with International Society for Productivity and Quality Research, USA, held at New Delhi
>> Charan, P. and Baisya, R.K(2004). Opportunities and Challenges for SMEs Under New Economy in India. III International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in a Global Economy: “ Economic Resilience in East Asia-Role of SMEs and Stakeholders
>> Charan, P., Shankar, R. and Baisya, R.K.(2004). Productivity Management of Supply Chain using Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Approach. VIII International Conference of Society of Operations Management held in association with National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai and College of Administrative Sciences, University of Alabama, USA at Mumbai, India
>> Roy, V., Sahay, B.S. and Charan, P.(2017). Akshaya Patra (Bhilai): Purchasing and Supply Management. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies.
ii. Membership of College of Supply Chain Management of POMS for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
iii. Membership of India Chapter of POMS for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
iv. POMS membership for 2015.
v. Membership of College of Supply Chain Management of POMS for 2015
vi. Membership of India Chapter of POMS for 2015.
vii. Member of International Society of Development and Sustainability (ISDS)
i. Setting up a Procurement Observatory (at Indian Institute of Management Raipur) in the State of Chhattisgarh, India for World Bank (Project Value: 8.5 lakhs).
ii. Value for Money Analysis of Outsourcing Bio-Medical Waste Management in Chhattisgarh under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model (Project Value: 5 lakhs).
i. Co-Program Director of 14th "Professional Development Training (PDT) under TEQIP-III organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur
ii. Co-Program Director of 10th "Professional Development Training (PDT) under TEQIP-III organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur
iii. Co-Program Director of 3rd "Professional Development Training (PDT) under TEQIP-III organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur.
iv. Co-Program Director of Management Development Programme on “Leadership Development for Engineering Faculty for Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College”
v. Co-Program Director of Management Development Programme on “Dealership Management” for The Channel Partners of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL)
vi. Co-Program Director of “Staff Development Programme on 5S” for non-teaching staff of NIT Raipur under TEQIP-II organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur
vii. Co-Programme Director of 6th Faculty Development Programme under TEQIP-II organized by Indian Institute of Management Raipur