Faculty Details
Rajesh Pathak
Associate Professor
Market microstructure, functions of derivatives, earnings management practices and contemporary corporate finance challenges
Finance & Accounts
Contact Information
ii. Assistant Professor, IIM Raipur, February 2021 - February 2024
iii. Associate Professor, Goa Institute of Management, March 2018 - January 2021
iv. Associate Professor, IBS - Hyderabad, October 2016 - February 2018
v. Assistant Professor, IBS - Hyderabad, June 2014 - September 2016
vi. Research Scholar, IBS - Hyderabad, January 2009 - May 2014
vii. Reliance Communication - Sr. Sales Executive, July- December, 2008
ii. Gold medal in 'International Research Awards 2022' by ICAI.
iii. Best Paper Award at 1st RMC-2020, Rajagiri Business School
iv. Best Paper Award at ICBMG-2019, University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth Conference 2019
v. Emerald Literati Awards-2019 (for Highly Commended Research Paper)
vi. Best Paper Award at ICFMCF-2018 (IIT-Kanpur)
vii. Best Internship Guide Award, 2017 at IBS Hyderabad
viii. The Prime Minister Scholarship from Ministry of Defense
Journal Publications
>> DasGupta, R., & Pathak, R.(2023). CEO education and corporate social performance: moderation effects of CEO characteristics and firm’s governance quality. [Benchmarking: An International Journal], ,
>> Ranga, A., & Pathak, R.(2023). Determinants of goodwill impairment disclosure: the role of audit quality and analysts following. [Managerial Finance], 49(1), 88 - 109
>> DasGupta, R., Kumar, S., & Pathak, R.(2022). Multinational enterprises’ internationalization and adoption of sustainable development goals. [International Journal of Managerial Finance], (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMF-09-2021-0416),
>> Rajesh Pathak & Ranjan Das Gupta(2022). Environmental, social and governance performance and earnings management–The moderating role of law code and creditor’s rights.. [Finance Research Letters,], 47,
>> DasGupta, R., & Pathak, R.(2021). Role of educational, regional and religious attributes of CEOs in performance of Indian family firms. [International Journal of Managerial Finance], (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMF-06-2021-0268),
>> Pathak, R., & Gupta, R.D.(2021). The stability of dividends and its predictability: a cross-country analysis. [International Journal of Managerial Finance], DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMF-07-2020- 0402(Forthcoming),
>> Pathak, R., Das Gupta, R. and Jalali, A.(2021). The analysis of debt levels in public firms: an international evidence. [Managerial Finance], (https://doi.org/10.1108/MF-01-2021-0006),
>> Tiwari, A. K., Pathak, R., & DasGupta, R. & Sadorsky, P.(2021). Modelling dependence and systemic risk between oil prices and BSE sectoral indices using stochastic copula and CoVar, ΔCoVar and MES approaches. [Applied Economics], (DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2021.1949430),
>> Chauhan, Y., & Pathak, R.(2020). Does earnings transparency affect corporate pay-out decisions?. [International Journal of Managerial Finance (ABDC-A) (Forthcoming)], ,
>> Gupta, R. D., & Pathak, R.(2020). Does the legal origin affect corporate cash holding?. [International Journal of Emerging Markets (ABDC-B) (Forthcoming)], ,
>> Pathak, R.(2020). Earnings quality and corporate payout policy linkages: An Indian context. [The North American Journal of Economics and Finance (ABDC-B)], 51,
>> Pathak, R., Gupta, R. D., Taufemback, C. G., & Tiwari, A. K.(2020). Testing the efficiency of metal’s market: new evidence from a generalized spectral test. [Studies in Economics and Finance (ABDC-B)], 37(2), 311 - 321
>> Pathak, R.(2019). Corporate cash holding during crisis and beyond: what matters the most. [International Journal of Managerial Finance (ABDC-A)], 15(4), 492 - 510
>> Tiwari, A. K., Kumar, S., & Pathak, R.(2019). Modelling the dynamics of Bitcoin and Litecoin: GARCH versus stochastic volatility models. [Applied Economics (ABDC-A)], 51(37), 4073 - 4082
>> Tiwari, A. K., Kumar, S., Pathak, R., & Roubaud, D.(2019). Testing the oil price efficiency using various measures of long-range dependence. [Energy Economics (ABDC-A*)], 84, 1 - 10
>> Chauhan, Y., Pathak, R., & Kumar, S.(2018). Do bank-appointed directors affect corporate cash holding?. [International Review of Economics & Finance (ABDC-A)], 53, 39 - 56
>> Gupta, R. D., & Pathak, R.(2018). Firm’s Risk-Return Association Facets and Prospect Theory Findings—An Emerging versus Developed Country Context (ABDC-B). [Risks], 6(4), 1 - 32
>> Ranajee, R., Pathak, R., & Saxena, A.(2018). To pay or not to pay: what matters the most for dividend payments?. [International Journal of Managerial Finance (ABDC-A)], 14(2), 230 - 244
>> Chauhan, Y., Kumar, S., & Pathak, R.(2017). Stock liquidity and stock prices crash-risk: Evidence from India. [The North American Journal of Economics and Finance (ABDC-B)], 41, 70 - 81
>> Kumar, S., Pathak, R., Tiwari, A. K., & Yoon, S. M.(2017). Are exchange rates interdependent? Evidence using wavelet analysis. [Applied Economics (ABDC-A)], 49(33), 3231 - 3245
>> Pathak R., Kumar, S., & Ranajee R.(2017). Going European from American: Does Style Matter?. [Managerial Finance(ABDC-B)], 43(4), 471 - 487
>> Pathak R., Verousis T., & Chauhan Y.(2017). Information Content of Implicit Spot Prices Embedded in Single Stock Futures Prices: Evidence from Indian Market. [Journal of Emerging Market Finance (ABDC-B)], 16(2), 169 - 187
>> Kumar, S., & Pathak, R.(2016). Do the calendar anomalies still exist? Evidence from Indian currency market (ABDC-B). [Managerial Finance], 42(2), 136 - 150
>> Pathak, R., Bhattacharjee, K., & Reddy V, N.(2015). Information content of derivatives under varying market conditions and moneyness: the case of S&P CNX nifty index options. [Global Business Review (ABDC-C)], 16(2), 281 - 302
>> . DasGupta, R., & Pathak, R. (2023). CEO education and corporate social performance: moderation effects of CEO characteristics and firm’s governance quality. Benchmarking: An International Journal.. ,
>> . Kumari, P., & Pathak, R. (2024). Does mandating disclosure on dividend payout policy benefit shareholder?. Economics Letters, 111587.. ,
>> . Kumari, P., & Pathak, R. (2024). Mandating a dividend distribution policy disclosure over fixed dividend policy: a shareholder value perspective. Applied Economics, 1-16.. ,
>> . Singh, G., Kumar, S., Pathak, R., & Bhattacharjee, K. (2023). Does Promoter Ownership Affect Dividend Policy? An Agency Problem Perspective. American Business Review, 26(2), 2.. ,
Indian Finance Association