Faculty Details

Anubha Dadhich
Asst. Professor
Ph.D. (IIT Delhi), Certification of MBTI, Certification of FIRO B
HRM & Organizational Behaviour/ Humanities & Liberal Arts
Contact Information
She holds a PhD Degree from Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Dr Dadhich is a certified MBTI & FIRO B Trainer and has conducted trainings and management development programs for public & private sector organization.
She has published articles in journals of national and international repute, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Global Competitiveness & Vikalpa. Prior to IIM Raipur, she has been associated with BITS Pilani, Center for Management Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi. She has developed a course on “Leadership and Change Management” for working executives and launched on MOOC platform for the first time at IIM Raipur. Alongside with academia Dr Dadhich has worked in different capacity with DFID, PRAYAS & UNICEF.
ii. BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan
iii. Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi
ii. International Travel Grant: ICSSR
iii. Institute Fellowship for full-time PhD Program, IIT Delhi
Journal Publications
>> Kancharla, R., & Dadhich, A.(2021). Perceived ethics training and workplace behavior: the mediating role of perceived ethical culture. [European Journal of Training and Development], 45(1), 53 - 73
>> Dadhich, A., & Singh, G.(2017). Exploring Issues of Expatriate Training in Select IT/ITES Organization. [International Journal of Research in Business Studies], 2(1), 42 - 60
>> Yadav, N., Tikoria, J., & Dadhich, A.(2017). Pathway towards Competitiveness through Sustainable Enterprise: A Case Study of Tata Group. [International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness], 12(1), 45 - 58
>> Bhal, K. T., & Dadhich, A.(2011). Impact of Ethical Leadership and Leader-Member-Exchange on Whistle Blowing: The Moderating Impact of the Moral Intensity of the Issue. [Journal of Business Ethics], 103(3), 485 - 496
>> Dadhich, A., & Bhal, K. T.(2008). Ethical Leader Behavior and Leader-Member Exchange as Predictors of Subordinate Behaviors. [Vikalpa], 33(4), 15 - 25
>> Dadhich, A., & Sharma, V. K.(2003). A case study of domestic defluoridation of ground water in Jaipur, India.. [Indian journal of environmental health], 45(3), 227 - 230
Conference Papers
>> Yadav, N., Dadhich, A., & Tikoria, J. (July 14-15, 2017)(2021). Building Sustainable Enterprise: An Investigation of India’s Top Conglomerate. International Conference on Strategies in Volatile and Uncertain Environment for Emerging Markets. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
>> Bhal, K.T., Verma, M., Gupta, B., & Dadhich, A.(2019). Ethical leadership and Internal whistle blowing: A moderated Mediation Model. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, USA.
>> Bhal, K. T., & Dadhich A. (2-4 Oct, 2008). Whistle Blowing in Organizations: Role of Ethical Leadership, Leader-Member Exchange and Moral Intensity of the Issue. 16th Annual International Conference of Association Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) on Maintaining an Ethical and Socially Responsible Workplace, Chicago, Illinois, USA
>> Bhal, K. T., & Dadhich, A. (14-16 June, 2008). Is the leader’s Ethical Behavior or the Leader’s Relationship with the Subordinates that Predict Subordinate Reactions? It depends. 8th Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management: Flexible Enterprise for Global Business, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
>> Dadhich, A. & Aterkar, M. (5-6 Dec, 2017). Impact of Leadership Styles on Employees Continuous Improvement Process.. National Conference: Managing Change in Evolving Economic Scenario, Management Development Institute (MDI) Gurugram, Haryana.
>> Dadhich, A. (16-18 Sep, 2016). Review of Leadership Theories from an Ethical Perspective.. HRD Congress: Nurturing World Class Organizations in an Emerging Global Diaspora, School of Business Studies, Central University Jammu, India
>> Dadhich, A. (April 24-26, 2017). Ethics as the Reflection of Cultural Health of an Organization. Annual Ethics & Compliance Conference organized by Ethical and Compliance Initiative (ECI) in Washington DC (USA)
>> Dadhich, A., & Kancharla, R. (3rd-5th Sep, 2019). Ethical Standards and Intention to Stay: A Comparison among Multiple Firms in Construction Sector. British Academy of Management Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.
>> Dadhich, A., & Mishra, A. (16-17 Dec, 2017). Trends and Challenges in HR Analytics: An Overview. International Conference on Research and Business Sustainability. Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee & Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK & Waikato Business School, New Zealand at IIT Roorkee Greater Noida Campus, Noida.
>> Dadhich, A., & Singh, G.. Exploring Issues of Expatriate Training in Select IT/ITES Organization. International Conference on Research in Business (ICRB), New Delhi, India.
>> Mishra, B., & Dadhich, A. (Mar 17 -18, 2017). Role of Ethical Leadership and Organizational Climate: A Study of Healthcare Sector in India. 2nd International Conference on Evidence Based Management, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan, India
ii. Member, National Human Resource Development Network –Delhi
iii. Member, Power HR Forum (NTPC), New Delhi
iv. Member, Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management, New Delhi
i. Programme Director, Executive Development Program, FSNL Bhilai 23-28 Sep, 2019
ii. Programme Director, 6th Professional Development Programme (under TEQIP- III), 11-15 Feb 2019
iii. Conference Secretary organized the 2nd International Conference on Evidence Based Management (ICEBM), 17-18 March 2017, Department of Management, BITS Pilani Campus
iv. Conducted workshop on “Type and Career Choice” for management students, BITS Pilani, August 2017
v. Organized a professional development program (PDP) on “HR Analytics” for executives and non-executives, 19th-20th March 2017, BITS Pilani Campus
vi. Organized a business fest “INTERFACE 2017”, 17th-19th February’ 2017 as a Faculty-In Charge, Management Association, Department of Management, BITS Pilani
vii. MDP on "Understanding Self & Negotiating Differences" for senior executives of Birla White- UltraTech Cement Ltd (Aditya Birla Group), Kharia Khangar, 25th June 2016
viii. Conducted one day workshop on "Type and Career Choice" for students (B. Tech & MBA), BITS Pilani, Jan 2016
ix. Organized Workshop on "HR Analytics", BITS Pilani, August 2014
x. Coordinated Workshop on "HR Outsourcing" with People strong, BITS, Pilani, Aug 2014 & Feb 2015
xi. Program Co-Coordinator Feb’ 2009, People Management Skills Development Program for GMR Executives, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi