Faculty Details
Badrinarayan Shankar Pawar
PhD, Oklahoma State University, 1996
HRM & Organizational Behaviour
Contact Information
He has done research in various areas including organizational citizenship behavior, transformational leadership, and workplace spirituality. Most of his post-PhD publications are in the refereed international journals (most of them are in ABDC listed journals) and most of these are single-authored.Overall, for his single-authored and co-authored research work, the total Impact Factor exceeds 75 (as of 10/08/2022), the number of citations received totals to over 3000 for entire research and over 1400 for workplace spirituality research alone, h-index is 14, and i10-index is 16 (citation count, h-index, and i-10 index are as reported at http://scholar.google.co.in/ on 07/08/2022).
• NIBM, 4 years
• Indian Institute of Management [IIMs], 12 years
• Various distinguished institutes, 20 years
i. Ph.D. program, highest possible grade (grade A) in every course. Grade point average (GPA) for the Ph.D. courses was 4 (out of 4) which is the highest possible grade point average.
ii. Membership of Phi Kappa Phi in 1996 in recognition of academic performance in the Ph.D. program.
iii. Selected as a student participant in the 1995 OB/OD&C/O&MT Doctoral Student Consortium of the Academy of Management.
iv. Departmental nominee for Oklahoma State University Graduate College’s “Graduate Research Excellence Award” for Spring, 1996 for Ph. D. dissertation research.
v. Several faculty members in the country have participated in faculty development program on academic research.
vi. Board of Governors of Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, July 28, 2010 to July 27, 2012.
vii. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) Chair Professor Position at National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune February 2015 to February 2018.
viii. Dean (Research) at National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune May 2018 to 2019.
ix. Coauthored paper (Pawar and Eastman [1997]) in Academy of Management Review about which the journal home page accessed on 09/08/2022 indicates its impact/ranking details as: “Impact Factor: 13.865”, “Ranked 3 out of 226 journals in the category of Management". “Ranked 4 out of 155 journals in the category of Business".
x. For single-authored and co-authored research work, the total Impact Factor exceeds 75 (as of 10/08/2022), the number of citations received totals to over 3000 for entire research and over 1400 for workplace spirituality research alone, h-index is 14, and i10-index is 16 (citation count, h-index, and i-10 index are as reported at http://scholar.google.co.in/ on 07/08/2022).
(xi) The Research Interest Score at ResearchGate (on 05/09/2022) for my research work is 685.4
1) “is higher than 72% of ResearchGate members who first published in 1995” (possibly a community of only senior/old researchers; 1995 is the year when I first published).
2) “is higher than 90% of researchers with work related to Behavioral Science”.
3) “is higher than 91% of researchers with work related to Organizational Psychology”.
4) “is higher than 93% of researchers with work related to Industrial Organization”.
5) “is higher than 93% of researchers with work related to Organizational Studies”.
6) “is higher than 95% of researchers with work related to Human Resources”.
xii. In a paper “Research Productivity in Management Schools in India: A Directional Benefit-of-Doubt Model Analysis” (Sahoo, Singh, Mishra, & Sankaran, 2015) which used various research outcome indicators to identify top 10 most productive researchers in various areas of Management in India, my name has been identified in the list of “Top 10 most productive researchers” in the area of OB&HRM (Table 10 on page 25-26 of Sahoo et al., 2015).
xiii. In a research article Sahoo, B. K., Singh, R., Mishra, B., & Sankaran, K. (2017), Research productivity in management schools of India during 1968-2015: A directional benefit-of-doubt model analysis, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 66, pages: 118-139, my name has been identified (based on various research productivity indicators) among “Top 10 subject matter experts in different areas of management” for OB&HRM area (Table A4 on Page 136).
>> Pawar, B. S.(2019). Employee Performance and Well-being: Leadership, Justice, Support, and Workplace Spirituality (Authored). Routledge (India): New Delhi.
>> Monippally, M. M. & Pawar, B. S.(2017). Shaikshnik Lekhan (Hindi Translation of our Book “Academic Writing: A Guide for Management Students and Researchers”). Hindi Version (Authored). SAGE: New Delhi.
>> Monippally, M. M. & Pawar, B. S.(2010). Academic Writing: A Guide for Management Students and Researchers (Authored). Response Books (Business books from SAGE): New Delhi.
>> Pawar, B. S.(2009). Theory Building for Hypothesis Specification in Organizational Studies (Authored). Response Books (Business books from SAGE): New Delhi.
Journal Publications
>> Pawar, B. S.(2022). A proposed teaching delivery process for transmitting research-based knowledge through organizational behavior teaching. [The International Journal of Management Education], 20(1), 1 - 16
>> Pawar, B. S.(2022). Workplace spirituality research summary for teaching in organizational behavior courses. [Journal of Organizational Behavior Education], 14, 183 - 206
>> Pawar, B. S.(2017). The relationship of individual spirituality and organizational spirituality with meaning and community at work: An empirical examination of the direct effects and interacting effect model. [Leadership & Organization Development Journal], 38(7), 986 - 1003
>> Pawar, B. S.(2016). Workplace spirituality and employee well-being: An empirical examination. Employee Relations. [The International Journal], 38(6), 975 - 994
>> Pawar, B. S.(2016). Workplace spirituality and employee well-being: An empirical examination. Employee Relations. [The International Journal], 38(6), 975 - 994
>> Pawar, B. S.(2015). Enhancing research-teaching link in organizational behavior: Illustration through an actual example. [The International Journal of Management Education], 13(3), 326 - 336
>> Pawar, B. S.(2015). Some features of organizational behavior knowledge and the resulting issues in teaching organizational behavior. [The International Journal of Management Education], 13, 289 - 301
>> Pawar, B. S.(2014). Leadership spiritual behaviors toward subordinates: An empirical examination of the effects of a leader’s individual spirituality and organizational spirituality. [Journal of Business Ethics], 122, 439 - 452
>> Pawar, B. S.(2013). A proposed model of organizational behavior aspects for employee performance and well-being. [Applied Research in Quality of Life], 8(3), 339 - 359
>> Pawar, B. S.(2009). Individual spirituality, workplace spirituality and work attitudes: An empirical test of direct and interaction effects. [Leadership & Organization Development Journal], 30(8), 759 - 777
>> Pawar, B. S.(2009). Some of the recent organizational behavior concepts as precursors to workplace spirituality. Journal of Business Ethics. [Journal of Business Ethics], 88(2), 245 - 261
>> Pawar, B. S.(2009). Workplace spirituality facilitation: A comprehensive model. [Journal of Business Ethics], 90(3), 375 - 386
>> Pawar, B. S.(2008). Two approaches to workplace spirituality facilitation: a comparison and implications.. [Leadership & Organization Development Journal], 29(6), 544 - 567
>> Pawar, B. S.(2003). Central conceptual issues in transformational leadership research. [Leadership & Organization Development Journal], 24(2), 397 - 406
>> Pawar, B. S., & Eastman, K. K.(1997). The nature and implications of contextual influences on transformational leadership: A conceptual examination. [Academy of Management Review], 22(1), 80 - 109
>> Pawar, B. S., & Sharda, R(1997). Obtaining business intelligence on the Internet. [Long Range Planning], 30(1), 110 - 121
Conference Papers
>> Barr, S. H., & Pawar, B. S.(1999). Organizational citizenship behavior: Domain specifications for three middle range theories. Best Paper Proceedings, National Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada
Chapter in Book
>> Pawar, B.S.(2012). An Overview of Workplace Spirituality and its Likely Relationship with Employee Well-being. In N.P. Reilly, M.J. Sirgy and C.A. Gorman (Eds.), Work and Quality of Life: Ethical Practices in Organizations.
>> Eastman, K.K. & Pawar, B.S.(2005). An Integrative View of and a Common Conceptual Space for Employee Extra-Role Behaviors.. In D. L. Turnipseed (Ed.), Handbook of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review of Good Soldier Activity in Organizations.
>> Pawar, B. S.(2015). Leadership competencies: Some inputs from literature for enhancing leadership in Indian Banks. The Journal of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, 86 (3): 52-59.(This was an invited article).
>> Pawar, B. S.(2004). Guest Edited a special issue titled “Transformational Leadership Research: Issues and Implications”, 2004, 17(2), for Journal of Organizational Change Management.
a. I have single-handedly designed, coordinated, and taught 18 three-day MDPs (two at IIM Kozhikode, two at IIM Indore, 13 at NIBM Pune, and one for Bank of Ceylon in Colombo, Sri Lanka). These MDPs draw to some extent on my own research areas, draw on some of the relatively recent OB topics (e.g., employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors, transformational leadership, organizational justice, organizational support, and workplace spirituality), and focus on enhancing employee performance and well-being through leadership, justice, support, and spirituality. For the two MDPs singlehandedly taught by me at IIM Indore in 2015, “Overall rating of the instructor” was 9.8 and 9.5 on a10 point scale. For 14 MDPs on enhancing bank employees’ performance and well-being through leadership, justice, support, and spirituality singlehandedly taught by me at NIBM campus from February 2015 to January 2019, 198 out of 210 sessions taught by me have received the ratings of 4.8, 4.9, or 5 (out of maximum possible score of 5 “excellent”).
a. Single-handedly designed, coordinated, and taught at IIMK six FDPs (3 of 6-day duration and 3 of 5-day duration) titled “Learning to Do Academic Research for Publishing in Academic Journals and for Doctoral Dissertations” in academic years 2008-9, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2013-14, and 2019-20. In each of these FDPs, I alone did the teaching of all sessions amounting to about 36 hours (in 6-day duration FDP) and 30 hours (in 5-day duration FDP). For one of these FDPs at IIMK on academic research in 2013 (December 2-7, 2013 at IIMK; 25 participants; all 24 sessions covering 36 hours over 6 days were taught by me singlehandedly), the official feedback document received from the FDP Office indicates that for “the effectiveness of sessions/module”, out of 24 sessions (of 1.5 hours each), 21 sessions received “very good” (the extreme positive rating anchor point) from 20 or more (out of 25) participants. Thus, for about 80% of the sessions, about 80% of the participants provided the highest extreme positive rating on the feedback rating scale anchor points.
b. In April 2009, I single-handedly designed and taught a 3-day (April 13-15, 2009) FDP on academic research at K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research (SIMSR) in Mumbai for SIMSR faculty. (Instructor “Subject Knowledge” rating: 4 out of 4).
c. In July 2010, I single-handedly designed and taught a 3-day module on academic research methods as a part of FDP of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) for faculty participants from various institutes in India. (Instructor subject “Knowledge base” rating: 4.8 out of 5, “Course content & coverage “ rating: 4.63 out of 5, “overall learning” rating: 4.5 out of 5)
d. In September 2010, I single-handedly designed and taught a 3-day (September 7-9, 2010) FDP on academic research at Symbiosis International University in Pune for the faculty members of Symbiosis International University.
e. In May 2012, I single-handedly designed, coordinated, and taught one 6-day (May 21-26, 2012) FDP titled “Learning to Do Academic Research for Publishing in Academic Journals and for Completing Doctoral Dissertations” at Symbiosis International University in Pune for the faculty members of Symbiosis International University. (Instructor “Subject knowledge” rating: 4.9 out of 5)
f. In April 2015, I conducted a 3-day FDP module on academic research for a group of NIBM faculty members.
g. In February 2021, I singlehandedly taught one FDP on academic research methodology to a group of PhD-holding faculty members from the School of Management (PG) at MITWPU University and the feedback rating received for the “subject knowledge” aspect was 4.93 out of 5.