Faculty Details

Gopal Kumar
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur), Postdoc (Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland), M.Tech. (IIT Kharagpur)
Operations & Qty Tech/ Information Systems
Contact Information
He has shop floor industrial experience in improving operations and process flow. He worked on facilitating easy access of advanced predictive modelling for improving productivity of SMEs in Europe in collaboration with various European SMEs—Ceramicx Ireland, Vistakon, ICMR—and University of Edinburgh, UK. Based on open source philosophy, he developed a commercial tool, for European Union, which largely streamlined the expertise and time required for predictive modelling along with process optimization. He also has experience in ERP and Forecasting Module development. He has good experience in deploying various W3C standards for making operations smooth.
His research articles are published in various prestigious peer reviewed journals. He presented his research work at several globally recognized Operations and Supply Chain Management forum. His primary research interests include supply chain collaboration, sustainable and green supply chain collaboration, sourcing, product-service systems, big data analytics, business process automation, and information technology application in improving and optimizing operations of SMEs.
He has been teaching Business and Management students. At master level, he taught a wide range of Business and Management subjects, such as
(a) Operations Management
(b) Supply Chain Analytics
(c) Supply Chain Management
(d) Logistics Management
(e) Quality Management and Six Sigma
(f) Data Analytics using R and Python
(g) Data Structure for Data Science
(h) Decision Making Models (Operations Research)
(i) Business Research Methods
ii. Green and Sustainable Collaboration
iii. Development of Collaboration Mechanism and Governance
iv. Supplier Selection
v. Decision Sciences
vi. Product-Service Systems (Servitization)
vii. Information Technology Application in Operations and Supply Chain Management of SMEs
viii. Development of Decision Support Systems Using Open Source Technologies
Journal Publications
>> Mohit Goswami, Gopal Kumar, Nachiappan Subramanian, Yash Daultani, M. Ramkumar(2024). Redesigning product line for integrated manufacturer-supplier ecosystem in a centralized supply chain: Case of an industrial consumer product. [International Journal of Production Economics], 269,
>> SM Wagner, M Ramkumar, G Kumar, T Schoenherr(2024). Supporting disaster relief operations through RFID: enabling visibility and coordination. [The International Journal of Logistics Management], ,
>> D Pandya, Gopal Kumar, S Singh(2023). Aligning sustainability goals of industrial operations and marketing in Industry 4.0 environment for MSMEs in an emerging economy. [Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing], ,
>> Gopal Kumar, FTS Chan, M Goswami(2023). Market reactions to drugs price reduction during COVID-19 distress in an emerging economy: value creation through CSR. [Industrial Management & Data Systems], ,
>> Gopal Kumar, ZG Zacharia, M Goswami(2023). Understanding interdependency of sustainability dimensions from the lens of collaborative relationship conditions: findings from an emerging economy. [The International Journal of Logistics Management], ,
>> P. L. Meena, Gopal Kumar, M. Ramkumar(2023). Supply chain sustainability in emerging economy: A negative relationship conditions’ perspective. [International Journal of Production Economics], 261,
>> D. Pandya and Gopal Kumar(2022). Applying Industry 4.0 technologies for the sustainability of small service enterprises. [Service Business: An International Journal], ,
>> Meena PL, Katiyar R, Kumar G.(2022). Supplier performance and selection from sustainable supply chain performance perspective. [International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management], ,
>> P Meena, Gopal Kumar(2022). Online food delivery companies’ performance and consumers expectations during Covid-19: An investigation using machine learning approach. [Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services], 68,
>> RM Difrancesco, P Meena, Gopal Kumar(2022). How blockchain technology improves sustainable supply chain processes: a practical guide. [Operations Management Research], ,
>> Gopal Kumar(2021). Collaboration Between Supply Chain Partners: When Does It Matter? Evidence from Collaborative Profiles. [Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing], ,
>> Gopal Kumar, Purushottam Meena, Rita Maria Difrancesco(2021). How do collaborative culture and capability improve sustainability?. [Journal of Cleaner Production], 291,
>> Mihir P. Mehta, Gopal Kumar, Ramkumar M.(2021). Customer expectations during COVID-19 pandemic: A global perspective using sentiment analysis. [Tourism Recreation Research], ,
>> Pradeep Tareia, Gopal Kumar, Ramkumar M.(2021). A Mean-Variance robust model to minimize operational risk and supply chain cost under aleatory uncertainty: A real-life case application in petroleum supply chain. [Computers & Industrial Engineering], ,
>> Devendra Dhagarra, Mohit Goswami, Gopal Kumar(2020). Impact of Trust and Privacy Concerns on Technology Acceptance in Healthcare: An Indian Perspective. [Devendra Dhagarra, Mohit Goswami, Gopal Kumar], 141,
>> Gopal Kumar, Mohit Goswami(2019). Sustainable supply chain performance, its practice, and impact on barriers to collaboration. [International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management], 68(8), 1434 - 1456
>> Kunal Ganguly and Gopal Kumar(2019). Supply Chain Risk Assessment: A Fuzzy AHP Approach. [Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal], 12(1), 1 - 13
>> Mohit Goswami, Gopal Kumar, and Abhijeet Ghadge(2019). An Integrated Bayesian-Markovian Framework for Ascertaining Cost of Executing Quality Improvement Programs in Manufacturing Industry. [International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management], 36(7), 1229 - 1242
>> Mohit Goswami, PRS Sarma, Gopal Kumar(2019). Integrating Enablers of Sustainable Freight Transportation and Perishable Commodity Supply chain. [International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences], 10(2),
>> Gopal Kumar, Subramanian, N. and Ramkumar, M.(2018). Missing link between sustainability collaborative strategy and supply chain performance: Role of dynamic capability. [International Journal of Production Economics], 203, 96 - 109
>> Katiyar, R., Meena, PL., Barua, M., Tibrewala, R. and Gopal Kumar(2018). Impact of sustainability and manufacturing practices on supply chain performance: Findings from an emerging economy. [International Journal of Production Economics], 197, 303 - 316
>> Gopal Kumar, Banerjee, R.N., Meena, P.L. and Ganguly, K.(2017). Joint planning and problem solving roles in supply chain collaboration. [IIMB Management Review], 29(1),
>> Gopal Kumar, Banerjee, R.N., Meena, P.L. and Ganguly, K.(2016). Collaborative culture and relationship strength roles in collaborative relationships: a supply chain perspective. [Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing], 31(5),
>> Kumar, G. and Banerjee, R.N.(2014). Supply chain collaboration index: an instrument to measure the depth of collaboration. [Benchmarking: an International Journal], 21(2),
>> Kumar, G. and Banerjee, R.N.(2012). An implementation strategy for collaboration in supply chain: an investigation and suggestions. [International Journal of Services and Operations Management], 11(4),
>> Kumar, G. and Banerjee, R.N.(2012). Collaboration in supply chain: an assessment of a hierarchical model. [International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management], 61(8),
>> Mohit Goswami and Gopal Kumar. An investigation of agile manufacturing enablers in Indian automotive SMEs using a structural equation model. [Measuring Business Excellence], ,
Conference Papers
>> Kumar, Gopal, & Meena, P.L.(2017). Supply chain collaboration framework as internal and external focused functional areas: An implementation perspective. POMS 2017, Seattle, USA
>> Kumar, G.(2016). Cost and revenue sharing roles in collaborative relationship of manufacturer and retailer in presence of knowledge spillover. SPJIMR-POMS India Chapter Conference on Big Data Analytics for Optimising Supply Chains
>> Kumar, G., Liu, X., Young, P., Geraghty, J. and Pardeshi, G.(2016). An implementation of web based discrete event simulation using Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD): A case study. 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing Communication and Information Technology - CCIT 2016, 17-18 March 2016, Birmingham, UK
>> Kumar, G., Banerjee, R.N., Meena, P.L. and Ganguly, K.(2015). Joint Planning and Problem Solving Roles in Supply Chain Collaboration. POMS 26th Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA.
>> Meena, P.L., Tibrewala, R., Kumar, G. and Srinath, P.(2015). Buyer Performance Evaluation from Suppliers Perspectives: An Integrated Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach. POMS 26th Annual Conference, 8-11 May 2015, Washington DC, USA
>> Kumar, G. and Benerjee, R.N.(2013). Collaborative culture and relationship strength roles in collaborative relationships: a supply chain perspective. 44th DSI Conference, 16-19 November 2013, Baltimore, USA
>> Kumar, G. and Banerjee, R.N.(2012). Collaboration in supply chain: an assessment of a hierarchical model. International Conference on Operations Research for Sustainable Development in Globalized Environment (ORSI), 06-08 Jan 2012, Kolkata, India
>> Kumar, G. and Banerjee, R.N.(2011). Individuals/group attributes and drivers’ roles in collaborative relationships: a supply chain perspective. International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management, ICASCMM 2011, 16-18 December 2011, IIT Kharagpur, India
>> Kumar, G. and Banerjee, R.N.(2010). Vertical Supply Chain Collaboration: Concepts, Framework, and its Implementation. International Conference on Operations and Management Sciences 2010 (ICOMS 10), Nagpur, India