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Program Structure
The Doctoral programme at IIM Raipur has been categorized into the following three phases:
- Phase I (Fundamentals of Management)
- Phase II (Specialization)
- Phase III (Doctoral Dissertation)
Research scholars will spend generally a little over four years that includes two years of rigorous course work. Course work in the first year provides a general management overview and develops basic skills for analysing managerial problems. In the second year, research scholars will take advanced doctoral level courses in the area of specialization; followed by the doctoral dissertation, for the next couple of years. The dissertation is aimed at contributing original research in the area of management studies or to one of its source disciplines. In the following line we provide the glimpses of these phases
Phase I : Fundamentals of Management
This phase is usually completed in the first year. The programme in this year is designed for developing the required proficiency in general management and a broad understanding in the area of specialization. All research scholars, irrespective of their areas of specialization, take most of the courses offered in the first year of the Post-Graduate Programme. Research scholars take courses in major functional and general management areas such as Economics & Public Policy, Finance & Accounting, Humanities & Liberal Arts, Information Systems, Marketing Management, Operations & Quant. Methods, and Strategy and Entrepreneurship.
During summer Internship, at the end of the first year of course work, all research scholars complete a research project either with a faculty member at the Institute or in any other organization. Phase I ends with successful completion of all the courses with a minimum prescribed proficiency and the completion of the summer project. While research scholars need to meet certain academic requirements across all courses, a higher performance is required in certain area specified courses.
A detailed guideline will be provided for the Summer Internship.
Phase II : Specialization
In the second year, research scholars take advanced courses in their area of specialization and related fields for the purpose of acquiring in-depth knowledge. In addition, all research scholars have to take a compulsory package of PhD courses, which are specially designed to develop teaching and research skills and an ability to integrate their learning. During this phase research scholars interact closely with their area faculty and are encouraged to start exploring areas of research in their specialization. The programme offers specialization in the following eight areas:
- Economics & Public Policy
- Finance and Accounting
- HRM & OB
- Humanities & Liberal Arts
- Information Systems
- Marketing Management
- Operations & Quant. Methods
- Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Once Phase II courses are successfully completed, the research scholar undertakes an area comprehensive examination. This examination is administered at the beginning of the third year and tests whether the research scholar has obtained a satisfactory level of knowledge in her/his area of specialization. Comprehensive examination requirements are specified by the respective areas.
Phase III: Doctoral Dissertation
The dissertation or thesis provides the research scholar with an opportunity to undertake original research in the area of interest. The dissertation should be a scholarly contribution to the knowledge pertinent to the understanding and resolution of management problems. Research is an essential part of the doctoral research scholar’s training at IIM Raipur. Throughout the programme, starting as early as Phase I, research scholars are encouraged to be actively involved in research activities at the Institute and with faculty members.
Phase III begins with the formation of the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) in the initial part of the third year. Research scholars are encouraged to meet faculty members with whom they share research interests and seek their assistance in identifying a dissertation topic as early as possible. In addition to the close working relationship during the course work, this interaction helps the research scholar find a thesis advisor and form the thesis advisory committee. The thesis advisor advises the research scholar on his dissertation and chairs the thesis advisory committee comprising at least two other members.
The research scholar develops a written proposal and with the agreement of the thesis advisor gives a seminar on the thesis proposal. The proposal has to be approved by the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). From then onwards, the research scholar works closely with her/his supervisor on the dissertation. When the candidate’s supervisor judges that the dissertation is complete, the research scholar gives a seminar on the dissertation work and subsequently defends orally the dissertation before a Thesis Examination Committee (TEC). The DPC Chairperson appoints the Thesis Examination Committee comprising the thesis advisory committee and other members.
While the course work formally gets over with the completion of Phase II, doctoral research scholars are encouraged to continue taking advanced courses of interest even during this last stage of study.