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Faculty Development Programme

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Faculty Development Programme

Programs designed to empower faculty members from various institutions, offering insights into teaching methodologies, academic research, and personal development

Active Programme

Faculty Development Programme:
S.No.Name of the ProgrammeProgram Director(s)DurationBrochure  Registration Link
1Doctoral Summer School in Behavioural Areas of Management

Dr. Badrinarayan Shankar Pawar

Dr. M. Ramkumar

18-19, Apr 2025Brochure Click for Registration
2Faculty Development Program on “Systems Science for Regenerative Ecosystems”Dr. Rajeev A and Dr. J Daniel InbarajJune 13-14, 2023Brochure Cancelled
3Learning to Do Academic Research for Completing Doctoral Dissertations and for Publishing in Academic JournalsDr. Badrinarayan PawarJune 26-30, 2023BrochureCompleted
4Capacity Building Programme On Academic Research Excellence For Young Faculty Members In Social Sciences

Dr. Dhananjay Bapat

Dr. J. Daniel Inbaraj

03-14, Oct 2023Brochure 
5Learning to Do Academic Research for Completing Doctoral Dissertations and for Publishing in Academic JournalsDr. Badrinarayan Pawar12-16, Feb 2024BrochureClick for Registration
6Doctoral Summer School in Behavioural Areas of Management

Dr. Badrinarayan Pawar

Dr. J. Daniel Inbaraj

15-29, Apr 2024Brochure 

Completed Programme

Faculty Development Programme for various prominent organizations:
S.No.InstituteName of the ProgrammeDurationTotal No. of DaysTotal No. of Participants
1GEC RaipurProfessional Development TrainingMarch 14-18, 2021525
2GEC AjmerProfessional Development TrainingFeb 01-05, 2021525
3CSVTU BhilaiIndustry InteractionNov 21, 2020125
4CSVTU BhilaiAchieving Academic Effectiveness IIINov 18-20, 2020325
5CSVTU BhilaiLeveraging Future – Research Writing & EntrepreneurshipSep 23-25, 2020325
6RGPV BhopalMentoring the Students CohortSep 23-24, 2020225
7RGPV BhopalImproving Effectiveness: Various Paradigms in TeachingSep 22-23, 2020225
8CSVTU BhilaiAchieving Academic Effectiveness IISep 20-22, 2020325
9CSVTU BhilaiManaging Self RoleSep 19, 2020125
10CSVTU BhilaiTeaching & Learning StrategiesSep 16-18, 2020325
11RGPV BhopalBrainstorming TechniquesSep 15-16, 2020225
12CSVTU BhilaiLeveraging Future – Research Writing & EntrepreneurshipSep 13-15, 2020325
13CSVTU BhilaiAchieving Academic EffectivenessSep 10-12, 2020325
14RGPV, BhopalFlipped Classroom – Technology and ParadigmsSep 02-04, 2020325
15RGPV, BhopalWriting Research PapersAug 28-29, 2020225
16RGPV, BhopalCapacity Building for Female FacultiesJuly 24, 2020125
17RGPV, BhopalCapacity Building and Digital Pedagogy for Supporting Staff,July 20-22, 2020325
18RGPV, BhopalManagement Capacity building (For PG Students),July 15-17, 2020325
19RGPV, BhopalManagement Capacity Building and Digital Pedagogy for HOD’sJuly 09-11, 2020325
20RGPV, BhopalCapacity Building for Supporting StaffJune 24-26, 2020334
21RGPV, BhopalE-Pedagogy and Capacity BuildingJune 23, 2020125
22RGPV, BhopalE-Pedagogy and Capacity BuildingJune 17-19, 2020330
23RGPV, BhopalDigital Pedagogy and Capacity BuildingJune 10-12, 2020336
24CSVTU BhilaiFaculty Development Programme-IVJan 27-31, 2020510
25CSVTU BhilaiFaculty Development Programme-IIINov 25-29, 2019512
26CSVTU BhilaiFaculty Development Programme-IINov 04-08, 2019522
27CSVTU BhilaiFaculty Development Programme-IAug 19-23, 2019525
28NIT RaipurStaff Development ProgrammeSep 12-16, 2016520
29NIT RaipurFaculty Development ProgrammeSep 06-10, 2016520
30CET BhubhaneshwarFaculty Development Programme-IIJuly 17-21, 2017530
31CET BhubhaneshwarFaculty Development Programme-IDec 12-16, 2016526
32CET BhubhaneshwarCapacity Enhance ProgrammeSep 12-16, 2016520
33CET BhubhaneshwarManagement Capacity Enhancement Programme for NTSSep 12-16, 2016520
Total Number of Participants805
EL&DC Office
Indian Institute of Management Raipur
Atal Nagar, P. O. – Kurru (Abhanpur),
Raipur – 493 669, Chhattisgarh
Tel- +91-771-2474697