IIM Raipur

01 Feb 2023 |
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Board Of Governors

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Board Of Governors


Shri. Puneet Dalmia

Shri. Puneet Dalmia

Managing Director of Dalmia Bharat Limited Shri Puneet Dalmia, the Chairperson of IIM Raipur’s Board of Governors (BoG) is the Managing Director of Dalmia Bharat Limited. Dalmia Bharat group is in the cement and sugar business and amongst the top 5 in India in both businesses.
Shri Puneet Ji transformed a family business into a professionally run company. The group’s revenue has grown at 17% CAGR over the last decade to about $2 Billion and the current market cap is around $4.5 Billion....more.


Shri. P K. Banerjee

Joint Secretary (Mgt. & MC & Scholarship)
Ministry of Education

Dr. Vijay Chauthaiwale

Independent Healthcare & Management Consultant

Prof. Utkarsh Majmudar

Academic and Consultant

Shri. Bhupesh Dinger

Senior Director
Zenoti Hyderabad

Shri. Anand S. Sancheti

Managing Director
SMS Limited, Nagpur

Ms. Anuradha Paraskar

Independent Business and Marketing Consultant

Ms. Pooja Beria

General Manager, Business Development,The Linde Group

Ms. Archana Bhaskar

CHRO and Head Corporate Communications Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories

Shri. Parveen K. Gupta

Former Managing Director State Bank of India Currently Chairman/Independent Director of companies

Smt. Surekha Marandi

Former Executive Director Reserve Bank of India Currently Independent Director of companies

Prof. Ram K. Kakani

Indian Institute of Management Raipur

Prof. Jagrook Dawra

Professor of Marketing
Indian Institute of Management Raipur


Col. (Dr.) Harindra Tripathi (Retd.)

Chief Administrative Officer
Indian Institute of Management Raipur