IIM Raipur
Research publications
Author(s) Name: Ranjan DasGupta & Arup Roy
Year of publication: (2023)
Journal Name: International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Number: Pages: -
Author(s) Name: Ranjan DasGupta et al.
Journal Name: Business and Society Review
Author(s) Name: Ranjan DasGupta & Soumya G Deb
Journal Name: Finance Research Letters
Journal Name: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Author(s) Name: Rajesh Pathak & Ranjan Das Gupta
Year of publication: (2022)
Journal Name: Finance Research Letters,
Number:47 Pages: -
Author(s) Name: Roy, V., Prakash, C., and Charan, P.
Journal Name: International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM)
Author(s) Name: Singh, R., Charan, P. and Chattopadhyay, M.
Journal Name: Knowledge Management Research and Practice
Number:21 Pages: 92-106
Author(s) Name: Chattopadhyay, M., Mitra, S.K., and Charan, P.
Journal Name: Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
Author(s) Name: Patil, A., Madaan, J., Chan, F., and Charan, P.
Journal Name: Expert Systems with Applications
Number:206 Pages: 1-12
Journal Name: Journal of Management and Organization
Number:28 Pages: 659-680